Check out Rollyo

I stumbled across Rollyo the other day. “Rollyo is the fast, easy way to create personal search engines using only the sources you trust” according to the site - and I must say that it is a great idea.
Basically, you list a bunch of websites that you like and that you know often give you the answers you’re looking for. Rollyo then combines them into a searchable unit called a searchroll, think of it as a sub group of the web. If you don’t feel like making a searchroll yourself there’s quite a bunch of other peoples “searchrolls” that you can use in a lot of different categories.
I’ve put together one with my most used web design resources, and you can find the little search engine in the web design and development section. Rollyo still in beta but seems to work great and it’s free. It seems that more functionality is coming, you for instance add the searchrolls to Firefox search bar if you like.